23 research outputs found

    Survival Models in Computer Virus

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    During the communication between various computer system parts under a basic unit various threats can appear causing different damages into the system. The spreading of the computer virus into the system must be investigated under modeling analysis and simulations must be applied. In this work survival analysis models have been introduced to overcome the problem with the computer virus. During that process of spreading two main considerations analyzed: (1) the epidemiological models of the spreading and (2) the survival of the computer virus inside the system under mathematical modeling. © 2018 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved

    An Epidemiological Analysis for H1N1 Infection

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    During the last years the dependence of inflections have been increased, especially the infection H1N1, in Europe as well as in Greece. Especially the last 2 years (2017-2018) the percentage of spreading is still significant. For the analysis of the impact's diseases in population during these periods, epidemiological indexes have been introduced. © 2019 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved

    Interactive Tele-Radiological Segmentation Systems for Treatment and Diagnosis

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    Telehealth is the exchange of health information and the provision of health care services through electronic information and communications technology, where participants are separated by geographic, time, social and cultural barriers. The shift of telemedicine from desktop platforms to wireless and mobile technologies is likely to have a significant impact on healthcare in the future. It is therefore crucial to develop a general information exchange e-medical system to enables its users to perform online and offline medical consultations through diagnosis. During the medical diagnosis, image analysis techniques combined with doctor’s opinions could be useful for final medical decisions. Quantitative analysis of digital images requires detection and segmentation of the borders of the object of interest. In medical images, segmentation has traditionally been done by human experts. Even with the aid of image processing software (computer-assisted segmentation tools), manual segmentation of 2D and 3D CT images is tedious, time-consuming, and thus impractical, especially in cases where a large number of objects must be specified. Substantial computational and storage requirements become especially acute when object orientation and scale have to be considered. Therefore automated or semi-automated segmentation techniques are essential if these software applications are ever to gain widespread clinical use. The main purpose of this work is to analyze segmentation techniques for the definition of anatomical structures under telemedical systems

    A decision support system platform for spatial epidemiology

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    A wide range of health care systems have been implemented, to support medical opinions, which are defined as Decision Support Systems. In this work a pilot information system was developed based on patients health records data combined with Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology, which could be used as an advisor in cases where epidemiological diseases are taking place. © 2015 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved

    Automatic Reconstruction with Inhomogeneous Models

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    We present a complete approach for simultaneous and automatic parameter estimation and image reconstruction which allows variable amounts of spatial smoothing. Procedures based on a Bayesian approach have been proposed, and successfully incorporate prior knowledge to produce much improved reconstructions. These procedures, however, usually assume that any prior parameters are known. In practice this is not the case and suitable values are often determined by "trial and error". We describe a Metropolis/EM reconstruction procedure having first derived a calibration curve for prior parameter estimation. We present an inhomogeneous Markov random field model which allows spatially varying degrees of smoothing in the reconstructions and propose a re-parameterisation which implicitly introduces a local correlation structure in the smoothing parameters, and use a re-scaled version of the homogeneous model calibration curve for parameter estimation. We present an analysis of SPECT data of the b..

    Epidemiological analysis of the Covid-19 epidemic in Greece

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    During the last months the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-2019) has been recognized as a global threat. Transmission of the infection has rapidly increased in Europe as well as in Greece, living behind a huge number of deaths. During this situation an analysis of the spread of the disease must be undertaken and characteristics of the virus must be recognized. For the analysis of the impact of the disease in the population during this time period, epidemiological indexes have been introduced. © 2020 The authors and IOS Press

    Neighbourhood structure estimation of images using hierarchical testing

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